Sunday, April 11, 2010

gotong royong!

here are some pictures captured on that tiring day of the week!
it was the 'gotong-royong' day of my school. it means that everyone in the school have to co-operate to clean up each and every inch of the school. since i 'm a librarian at school, so i've got to help out to clean the library instead of my own classroom. So here are some pictures i took.
can you see me smiling? ;)
hey look! even birds love to live with BOOKS! LOL!
i can't figure out what is this thing actually ehh?
this is wht we call as 'sampah masyarakat'. xD
these books  makes me feel so miserable when there are lots of people wanna borrow them!
photostat machine! this thing would drive me crazy when it's about to be jammed! =,="
chemistry reference book! 
♥ i can't live without you!

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