Sunday, February 28, 2010

kids nowadays.

27th Feb 2010, 5.00pm -
while i was doing my chemistry's homeworks in my room, suddenly my mum called out my name. "Fatin!! come down! fasterr la!!" so i quickly ran down and thought that my mum would like to teach me the new chapter of Biology. instead, she told me that there was a makcik called and she was looking for Fatin Strawberry-tags. HAHA. the makcik and her daughters wanted to come to our house to see all the strawberry-tags stuffs directly in front of her eyes.LOL! she's not satisfy for seeing it on the web. huhu. then the makcik kept on calling us and asked for the direction to our house. hahaa, she had lost too far away into the chinese village near Teratai Mewah area. and then,AGAIN, she lost near a chinese temple at the back of my house. GAHAHAA~ somehow i wonder, is it too hard to find my so called 'hidden palace'?? hehe~ ohh-uhh, then finally the makcik arrived with her mercedes and daughters. the daughters aged 13 and 9 years old. the girls too were checking out those victoria's secret stuffs, bath and body works, perfumes, body splash, body lotion,and so on. the makcik decided to bought a pure seduction body lotion which cost RM50 only. then suddently the daughter demanded for a set of four victoria's secret splash LIMITED EDITION babe! OMG! she's only 13, but she demanded for more than her mother's. the whole set cost RM300 dik oi! :O however, the makcik still bought the set for the daughter. perghh~ when i was chit chatting with the mother, then i find out that her daughter's also schooling at the same school as mine. >,<"

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